AAS Peer Note-Taking Program

Fall 2024 Important Dates:

- Monday, October 28, 2024 - Last day to request notes

- Monday, November 11, 2024 - Last day to be matched with a peer note-taker

AAS Peer Note-Taking is a peer led note-taking program available to students registered with Academic Accommodation Support (AAS) who have peer note-taking approved as an accommodation. Fostering a collaborative learning environment between students with disabilities, professors and peer note-takers, AAS Peer Note-Taking supports a more accessible community at TMU.

Peer note-takers are only provided for lecture-based weekly courses where the lecture content is not shared with students online via the course D2L shell.

Are you a peer note-taker trying to share notes? Head over to the Peer Note-Taker page to find what you need.


New in Fall 2022: Students can select a peer note-taker directly from the AAS Student Portal. If a peer note-taker has already been assigned in your course, you will be assigned to that Peer Note-Taker automatically.

Please Remember:

You can request a peer note-taker for courses that are:

      Weekly lecture based courses

You cannot request a peer note-taker for courses that:

      X Post all learning materials online
      X Post lecture videos online that you can pause and refer to anytime
      X Are labs or tutorials

How to Get Started:

AAS Peer Note-Taking is a peer led program and although we work hard to match you with reliable peer note-takers throughout the semester, we can’t guarantee that peer note-takers will be available in all your courses. As a member of the AAS Peer Note-Taking community, it is your responsibility to:

  1. Request a peer note-taker by ...
         a. Clicking on "Courses/Notes" (you will be prompted to log in with your my.torontomu ID).
         b. Indicating the courses in which you are requesting a peer note-taker.
  2. Check back often on the AAS Student Portal as it may take up to a week before a peer note-taker becomes available
  3. Download course notes regularly and save to your computer or other storage space
  4. Stay in contact with AAS Peer Note-Taking staff -- and please communicate respectfully

For any questions about accommodations or note-taking alternatives, please be in touch with your Student Accommodation Facilitator.